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Zisel Klugmann

Zisel Klugmann
I am so excited to be running for Chai Lifeline. It has been a dream of mine for years.
Chai Lifeline is a wonderful organization that provides very sick children with emotional, social, and financial assistance. Chai Lifeline’s innovative services help families navigate the complexities of childhood illness and restore joy and happiness.
I want to dedicate my training, the marathon itself, and the tzedaka we raise together to the memory of someone very special to me, Tamar Maxwell.
I knew Tamar for only a few short years, and for two of those years she was very sick. She passed away at the young age of 25. Her life was short, but the impact she had was enormous. She changed my life.
When I think of Tamar, I think of laughter, fun, and light. Tamar was bubbly, warm, and had a contagious laugh. She celebrated life. She loved her family so much and was the most loyal, encouraging and supportive friend.
Tamar took me to my first Broadway show and introduced me to Rita's ices. She loved Disney world and knew the lyrics to every Disney song. She was always up for an adventure, a board game, a party. With her, life was a party.
Even when she was sick, she knew how to create good energy around her. She never complained. She was always so grateful for every visit, phone call, help - she made everyone feel special, always.
Losing Tamar was a deeply painful blow, and my life has forever changed from knowing her. I've learned that life is fleeting and meant to be celebrated. That nothing is more important than creating joyful memories with the people you love. She taught me to be brave and try new things. To pick up guitar. To learn to swim, in my 20s. To quit my job and live in Israel for a year. To tell people I love them. To make dreams come true.
To run a marathon.
And so, I am dedicating this page to Tamar.
If you can donate, you will be providing much needed support to sick children. You will be elevating and celebrating Tamars memory. And you will help make my dream come true.
Thanks for reading and thank you for supporting me on this journey.
Love, Zisel
Chai Lifeline is a wonderful organization that provides very sick children with emotional, social, and financial assistance. Chai Lifeline’s innovative services help families navigate the complexities of childhood illness and restore joy and happiness.
I want to dedicate my training, the marathon itself, and the tzedaka we raise together to the memory of someone very special to me, Tamar Maxwell.
I knew Tamar for only a few short years, and for two of those years she was very sick. She passed away at the young age of 25. Her life was short, but the impact she had was enormous. She changed my life.
When I think of Tamar, I think of laughter, fun, and light. Tamar was bubbly, warm, and had a contagious laugh. She celebrated life. She loved her family so much and was the most loyal, encouraging and supportive friend.
Tamar took me to my first Broadway show and introduced me to Rita's ices. She loved Disney world and knew the lyrics to every Disney song. She was always up for an adventure, a board game, a party. With her, life was a party.
Even when she was sick, she knew how to create good energy around her. She never complained. She was always so grateful for every visit, phone call, help - she made everyone feel special, always.
Losing Tamar was a deeply painful blow, and my life has forever changed from knowing her. I've learned that life is fleeting and meant to be celebrated. That nothing is more important than creating joyful memories with the people you love. She taught me to be brave and try new things. To pick up guitar. To learn to swim, in my 20s. To quit my job and live in Israel for a year. To tell people I love them. To make dreams come true.
To run a marathon.
And so, I am dedicating this page to Tamar.
If you can donate, you will be providing much needed support to sick children. You will be elevating and celebrating Tamars memory. And you will help make my dream come true.
Thanks for reading and thank you for supporting me on this journey.
Love, Zisel
35 donors