About Chai Lifeline
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When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family feels the pain. Chai Lifeline's mission is to alleviate the emotional, social, and financial challenges facing families living with pediatric illness and to help patients, parents, and siblings to live full lives as they fight the devastating impact of pediatric illness.
Our mission is to bring joy to children and hope to their families. To accomplish it, we have created two dozen diverse programs that include:

Our largest programs are Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special, incredible overnight camps designed to meet the medical and social needs of children and teens with life-threatening or lifelong illness.
Over 500 children attend in four, two-week sessions.
All Chai Lifeline programs, including Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special, are free of charge to families. That makes your support even more crucial. For more information, visit the Chai Lifeline website at www.chailifeline.org.