Completing a marathon is a personal challenge for me, but I’m not in this for the glory. I’m running for something way more important: to raise awareness and critical funds for Chai Lifeline, a wonderful organization dedicated to helping very sick children and their families.
This year is a little bit different for me. I have decided to run in memory of my late father-in-law. Moshe was a true warrior, a fighter, and a hero, who served as a tank commander in the Israel Defense Forces for 24 years. He fought many wars but unfortunately cancer was his final one.
Chai Lifeline has done and continues to do so much for not just the patient, but also for the families of those going through suffering. Every mile I run and every dollar I raise will help support critical programs and services for more than 6,000 families impacted by illness, crisis, and loss.
On behalf of the children and families of Chai Lifeline, thank you for your support.
Training is not easy, but neither is dealing with illness. If the children of Chai Lifeline can fight each day, if they can push themselves through hospital stays and treatments, I can do this for them. But I can't do this without your support. I need your help to raise as much money as possible for these kids. I’ve set a challenging goal for myself to raise $10,000 in support of Chai Lifeline. Your generous donation will help me move closer to my goal and make a difference in the lives of so many sick children. Let's do this together!