I’m taking on a challenge that’s close to my heart—completing a marathon in support of Chai Lifeline, an incredible organization that provides critical support to thousands of seriously ill children and their families.
Every day, these kids show immense courage and resilience. Inspired by their strength, I've set a goal to raise $7,500 to help continue the vital services Chai Lifeline offers, like case management, counseling, meal deliveries, financial aid, their renowned medically-supervised Simcha summer camps, and so much more.
I need your help to make this possible.
Please donate to my campaign today and I hope you will give generously in support of these Chai Lifeline warriors fighting the greatest battle of their lives.
Melissa - Your dedication and determination for over 15 years inspires us all. However, this challenge isn’t just about endurance; it’s about making a difference. You’ve shown what it means to go the extra mile for a cause that matters. We’re cheering you on, proud of every step you take! Love, Mom and Dad
2.Josh Raffel
3.Julie Rappoport
Go Melis!!
5.Daniel And Devorah Edelman
Melissa we are so impressed by your dedication here!
6.Lael And Jonathan Seplowitz
7.Nathan Paul
So proud of your continued commitment to Chai Lifeline !
Batya and Nachman and Family
8.Jonathan Seplowitz
9.Devorah Cornick
Go Melissa!!!!
-Devorah and Shea Cornick
10.Batya Paul
So proud of your devotion and dedication to chai lifeline ! Love , Batya , Nachman and crew
11.Shani Gold
12.Chana Shefa
13.Alexa Futter
Go Melissa!
14.Chani And Akiva Bersson
Wow!!! this is so impressive!!
15.Shosh and Jason, Orly, Maya and Jack Rothwax
Go Aunt ‘lissa! We love you!
16.Kayla Moerdler
17.Zach And Marci Salzbank
18.Jamie And Yonatan Gabay
Go Melissa!
19.Team Ilan
Wishing you much Hatzlacha!
In Memory of Haim Shaul Ben Esther.
Team Ilan
20.Elayna + Eric Koevary-Goldman
21.Debra Apfelbaum
Go Melissa! You are such an inspiration!
22.Tziona And Elie Paul
23.Yael & Jon Martin
Go Melissa!
24.Lisa And Bill Rappoport
Kol haKavod Melissa!!
25.Laura & Menachem Butler
Go Melissa Go!!!
26.Seth Botnick
Go Melissa!
27.Sara Hasson
Wish I could run with you! You da bomb!
28.Nehama Libman
Go Melissa!
29.Steven Paul
15 years! Glad to have been part of it once. Go get em!
30.Robyn and Ari Raskas and family
Go Melissa. You are amazing!!
31.Michelle Fruchter
Yasher Koach!!
Michelle & Isser
32.Beverly Fintzy
33.Tara Schoenfeld
34.Denah Emerson
IMO Andrew Feldschreiber
Keep up the good work!
36.Sharon Richter
37.Raffaella Kestenbaum
Go Melissa!!
38.Cara Lopatin
Wow you are awesome! So proud and excited for you that you're doing it yet another year! Maybe next year or sometime in the future I will join you :) You got this! Will be cheering you on from Michigan :) <3
39.Nina Siegel
Go Melissa!!!
40.Ruthie Craimer
You are amazing!!!! I'll be cheering you on from Modi'in 😁